Rosemead Group



The contents of this website does not constitute legal, financial or accountancy advice and is provided for general information purposes only.

The material provided does not create a contractual relationship. Rosemead Group Limited will use reasonable care and expedition to ensure that the information held on our website is relevant and up to date.

However, errors and omissions may occur, and any visitors to this website should not take the accuracy of information or material for granted or rely upon it as a statement or representation of fact.

Rosemead Group shall not be liable for any loss of profits or damage arising out of connection with the searching of information or material on our website, whether by virus, corruption, malware or otherwise.

Rosemead Group’s website and its content is subject to English Law.

Rosemead Group serves as a provider of certain unreserved legal services and its founder holds membership with The Society of Will Writers to assist clients with Will writing, Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPAs) and Trusts. In addition to this, Rosemead Group serves as an introducer to clients requiring financial, accountancy and reserved legal services through its authorised and regulated partners.

Rosemead Group does not provide financial advice and is not authorised to do so by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). In addition to this, Rosemead Group does not undertake reserved legal activity and is not authorised to do so by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) or the Bar Standards Board (BSB). Rosemead Group also do not provide clients with accountancy and tax related advice.

Rosemead Group adopts trading styles of Rosemead Legal and Rosemead Financial, depending on the nature of services undertaken for its clients.

Access to the Rosemead Group website is solely at the site user’s risk.

Disclaimer last updated on 01.02.2024